Fairy Town

, mi茅rcoles, septiembre 22, 2021

鉁╓ear your mayor’s hat and build a town with all sorts of buildings.

????Craft all kinds of supplies and magical items to keep your town happy and prosperous.

????Raise chicken, cows, and even magical creatures in your farm!

????Explore a mystical fairyland and be friends with Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood.

????鈥岹et ready for challenges, riddles, and treasures on your adventure as you hunt for truth and fortune!

????Explore the magical forest, the mysterious underwater world, the magnificent snow mountain, and many other uncharted places in the fairyland.

????Experience the life of a mayor, a farmer, an adventurer, a magician, and a fairy tale character, all in one game!

Join Facebook and share a good time of town building with other mayors.

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