Pile It 3D

, lunes, septiembre 20, 2021

In Pile It 3D you are presented with colorful balls that need to be sorted: you do that by putting them in different tube to guide them into the right position at the bottom.

Sounds simple, right? Well, things get twisted pretty quickly because the tubes are knotted together. You have to think carefully about which tube to choose for your balls in order to succeed in this game!

With superb graphics and super satisfying mechanics, this brain game is sure to relieve you of all the stress in your life immediately. As a bonus, your IQ increases by 2 points for every level you win on the first try (this is a fact).

What are you waiting for? Get your thinking organ in gear and start playing the trickiest game of 2020!

Ya est谩 listo para descargar gratis. He aqu铆 algunas notas:

  • Please check our installation guide.
  • To check the CPU and GPU of Android device, please use CPU-Z app


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